About the Journal

Nasleđe is a scholarly journal publishing papers (double blind peer review process) in the fields of literature, language, arts (including art history, painting, graphic design, music), philosophy and cultural studies, thus reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of its publisher – Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development classifies Nasleđe as a "journal of international significance (M24)" (Serb. orig. „часопис међународног значаја (M24), and the journal is indexed by databases such as ERIH PLUSESCI (Clarivate Analytics)MLA, and ICS (International Congress of Slavists).


Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 32 (2015): Nasledje - Journal of Language, Literature, Art and Culture
					View Vol. 12 No. 32 (2015): Nasledje - Journal of Language, Literature, Art and Culture

Thematic issue of Nasledje

English Language and Literature: contemporary perspectives

Editors: Mirjana Mišković Luković, Biljana Vlašković Ilić

Editorial board:
dr Dragan Bošković, Associate Professor, Editor in Chief
dr Nikola Bubanja, Assistant Professor, Managing editor
mr Valerija Kanački, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
dr Sanja Pajić, Assisstant Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
dr Nikola Ramić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
dr Katarina Melić, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
dr Anđelka Pejović, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
Prof. Božinka Petronijević, PhD, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
Prof. Persida Lazarević di Giacomo, PhD, The G. d'Annunzio University, Pescara, Italia
Prof. Alla Tatarenko, PhD, Faculty of Philology, “Ivan Franko” National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Prof. Mihaj Radan, PhD, Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, Timisoara, Romania
Prof. Dimka Savova, PhD, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Jelica Stojanović, PhD, Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić, Montenegro
Editorial assistant: Jelica Veljović
Translator and proofreader (English): Aleksandar Radovanović
Proofreader: Jelena Petković
Artistic and graphic design: Slobodan Štetić
Technical editor: Stefan Sekulić
Publisher: Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac
Published by: Radomir Tomić, Dean

Published: 12-31-2015


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Nasleđe is a scholarly journal publishing papers (double blind peer review process) in the fields of literature, language, arts (including art history, painting, graphic design, music), philosophy and cultural studies, thus reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of its publisher – Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, Serbia. Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development classifies Nasleđe as a "leading journal of national significance (M51)" (Serb. orig. „врхунски часопис националног значаја (M51), and the journal is indexed by the ERIH PLUS database.

NasledjeKorica br 18

ISSN 1820-1768 
1st Year of Publication: 2004 
Publisher Address: Jovana Cvijića bb, 3400 Kragujevac, Serbia 
Phone: +381652090404
Frequency (number of issues per year): triannually (three issues per year) 
Editor in Chief: Dragan Bošković, PhD, Full Professor
Managing editor: Nikola Bubanja, PhD, Associate Professor
Secretary of the editorial board: Jelica Veljović, Teaching Assistant

Nasleđe is partly funded by the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development