
  • Ivana Palibrk University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


graphostylistics, graphostylemes, typography, visual elements in novels


American contemporary writer, Jonathan Safran Foer in his Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close uses numerous graphic, typographic and pictorial elements, which is why the novel is frequently cited as the perfect example of increased visual effectiveness in modern fiction. Both the structural organization and Foer’s distinctive view on author-novel-reader interaction are presented graphically through the narrative, establishing the basis of our approach. Namely, this paper deals with the specific form of the novel, analyzing its graphological level from the stylistics perspective. The aim is to classify and explicate the employed graphic devices. The conclusion puts forward the results of visual manipulations as well as their contribution to the overall stylistic value.


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How to Cite

Palibrk И. (2014). EXTREMELY GRAPHIC AND INCREDIBLY CONTEMPORARY. Nasleđe, 11(28), 145–164. Retrieved from