
  • Maja Anđelković University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


church, homily, media, society, contemporaneity


The paper examines the relationship between church, that is to say the one between homily and media in the context of current social events, detecting the acute social issues and the potential impact of clergy’s discourse upon society. In order to delineate the transformations taking place in homily structures, including its functions defined by the genre, and to elucidate new potentials of homily determined by the situation of its delivery, the paper sought to compare the homilies dating back from the 18th century with several contemporary ones, which also imply their medialized realization. Besides exploring the issue of homily and media constituting a testimony of the society at the moment they emerge from, the complex interrelation also indicates their mutual correlations and the restructuring process as such, entailing the reevaluation of not only what they represent the testimony of, but of themselves as instruments in their own right.

Author Biography

Maja Anđelković, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts



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How to Cite

Anđelković М. (2021). HOMILY AND MEDIA AS TESTIMONIES ОF CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY. Nasleđe, 8(20), 65–75. Retrieved from