
  • Ružica Jovanović Higher Education School of Applied Studies for Teachers in Vranje


realism, civil society, historical facts, veracity, comparison


Realists emphasized objective truth as their aim. Just as the scientific truth, their truth had to be objective, precisely documented and provable. It is interesting to consider the extent to which they fulfilled this requirement. These texts bear signs of fictionality (fictional stories), but the possibility of authentication exists. Considering the fact that the most prominent Serbian realists were also extreme regionalists, it is possible to establish the relation between imagination and real facts in their work, based on historical, archival, ethnographic, sociological and similar research. The short stories of Laza K. Lazarević, i.e. his depiction of life in the urban environment in the end of the 19th century in Šabac, will be used as an example for the analysis.


Vasiljević 1996: M. Vasiljević, Mačva ‒ istorija stanovništva, Bogatić JP PTT Srbije.

Goldman 1967: L. Goldman, Strukturalističko-genetički metod u istoriji književnosti, u: Sreten Petrović (red.), Sociologija književnosti, Z.U.N.S., Beograd, 1990.

Dučić 1971: J. Dučić, Moji saputnici, E seji i p utopisi, Novi Sad ‒ Beograd Matica srpska ‒ SKZ,

Jevtić 1983: M. Jevtić, Urbanističko-arhitektonsko-komunalni razvoj Šapca; Šabac Godišnjak M.I.A. br.17.

Lazarević 1976: L. Lazić, Izabrana dela, Beograd, Rad.

Milić 1980.: D. Milić, Jedan vek privredne istorije Šapca, u: Šabac u prošlosti III, Šabac Glas Podrinja.

Prstojević 1998: N. Prstojević, Šabac gospodara Jevrema, U. G. Sport u Podrinju, Šabac.

Čajkanović 1994: V. Čajkanović, Studije iz srpske religije i folklora 1910‒1924, knjiga 3; Beograd SKZ, BIGZ, Prosveta, Partenon.

Šašić 1988: B. Šašić, Znameniti Šapčani i Podrinci , Šabac U. G. Sport u Podrinju.



How to Cite

Jovanović Р. (2015). HISTORICAL FACTS IN LAZA LAZAREVIĆ’S NOVELS. Nasleđe, 12(31), 305–311. Retrieved from