компарација, поређеница, поредбеница, инклузивни суперлатив, ексклузивни супрлативAbstract
In Serbian literary language there exists a larger number of syntactic forms of relative and absolute superlative by means of which attribute grading (unequal presence) expressed by the adjective superlative (or less commonly by that of an adverb) is demonstrated. Due to the semantic interrelation of the comparative members, syntactic construction may be that of an inclusive or exclusive type. With inclusive superlative, regardless of the latter being numerically defined or representing an indefinite set of concepts encompassed by the superlative attribute, a unique equative relation is established on a syntactic level: each member is characterized by the presence of superlative attribute yet linguistically it does not predispose the position of the individual member within the superlative set (e.g. He was among the best students in school; The State includes six out of ten greatest check players in the world). With exclusive superlative it is always the case of at least one member becoming a distinct one within the set as bearer of the prevalent attribute (e.g. She is the first among the best students; She is the second best student; She is by far the best student;
This is the most read book after the Bible; She is better than the best; She is the best among the best). With all constructions of the exclusive superlative, being syntactically and semantically diverse, superlative attribute grading is implied, so that at least one of the elements within the superlative set is a distinctive one in its specific degree of superlative attribute presence (most commonly that of a maximum) existent with all the members being part of the superlative construction.
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