
  • Maria Argentiero University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


Ariosto, Orlando furioso, madness, romance, the uncanny, fiction, Calvino


Maria Argentiero’s essay improves some sides of the crucial episode about the madness of Orlando in Ariosto’s poem. The research highlights the literary sources from the classical world and from the romance and analyzes the narratological and ociological implications of Orlando furioso’s ‘revolution’. Ariosto reformed the genre of romance and impinged on the destiny of the genre, as well as of the Italian and world fiction. The research, playing off a capital hunch of Calvino, detects the central plank of modern fiction in the attribute of madness, which spread from the main protagonist and all other characters of the poem across the threshold of the written page and gave its own uncanny nature to the Author of Orlando furioso and to the entire world. This essay is the first piece of research into Argentiero’s study on Ariosto.


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How to Cite

Argentiero, M. (2014). ‘AMOR’ AND ‘FUROR’: THE QUÊTE OF FURIOSO IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT. Nasleđe, 11(29), 161–172. Retrieved from