Croatian literature, fantasy fiction, postmodernism, short story, novel, metaproseAbstract
This article examines the elements of metaprose in Goran Tribuson’s works of fantasy. Metaprose is an important element of postmodern literary works. Goran Tribuson is a famous representative of Croatian fantasy writers (the first postmodernists in Croatian literature) and uses metaprose in his prose. The purpose of this article is to explore the existence of metaprose models in Tribuson’s fantasy fiction. We identified three models of metaprose in his fiction: 1. Hybrid genre works, in which the metaprose component is available in the form of „story within a story”; 2. Fantasy story, in which the fantastic component is secondary and a reflection on existing literature; 3. Fantasy piece with an autobiographical component. Tribuson uses elements of metaprose in literary works that are not mimetic and creates a hybrid literary world which consists both of a fantastic matrix and realistic elements.
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