
  • Nikola Ramić University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


language, dialect, standard language, lexis, lexeme, concept, lexical emptiness


This article aims to display some aspects of interrelatedness between dialectal lexical subsystems and standardized lexis. Particular attention has been paid to dialectal variations related to the way lexical emptiness are manifested or the way they are filled. Lexically empty words represent a linguistic potential which enables an actualization of potential units and allows for the enrichment of lexical subsystems by adopting the missing lexemes from other idioms. However, lexical emptiness as a linguopsychological phenomenon survives, because lexical systems are never fully realized, and part of their possibilities remains exclusively in potential.


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How to Cite

Ramić Н. (2014). LEXICALLY EMPTY WORDS AND THE TERRITORIAL DISTRIBUTION OF LEXIS. Nasleđe, 11(27), 105–112. Retrieved from