
  • Maša Petrović University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts
  • Bojana Tulimirović University of Granada, Faculty of Philosophy and Philology


paronyms, Serbian, Spanish, equivalents, translation


This work is concerned with the analysis of nine pairs/groups of adjectival paronyms in Serbian and their translated equivalents in the Spanish language. The aim is to determine whether a pair/group of Serbian paronyms always corresponds to a pair/group of Spanish paronyms. Serbo-Croatian six-volume Standard Dictionary of Matica Srpska, along with the one-volume Dictionary of the Serbian Language, are used as a starting point in order to determine the exact meanings of the selected adjectival paronyms in the Serbian language. The use of the selected paronyms has been analyzed and confirmed in examples extracted from the website Projekat Rastko. Subsequent translation of the extracted examples has shown that a pair/group of Serbian paronyms does not always have an equivalent a pair/group in Spanish. Namely, a pair/group of Serbian paronyms is occasionally translated by a single adjective in Spanish; sometimes there is a complete equivalence, regardless of whether it is a pair or a group of paronyms; occasionally, it is preferable to translate a certain adjective by another part of speech or a phrase, either in the interest of the accuracy of translation or due to the lack of equivalent adjectives in the Spanish language.


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How to Cite

Petrović М., & Tulimirović Б. (2014). ADJECTIVAL PARONYMS IN SERBIAN AND THEIR TRANSLATED EQUIVALENTS IN THE SPANISH LANGUAGE. Nasleđe, 11(28), 25–37. Retrieved from