
  • Darko Dimitrovski University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism
  • Dejan Karavesović University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


tourism, the English language, tourist agencies, the city of Kragujevac


English being the most widely spread modern language, it is arguably the most extensively used language in the area of tourism. With this in mind, the authors of this paper draw attention to the significance of adequate command of English in (natively Serbian-speaking) employees working in local travel agencies. The identification of current issues regarding the use of English was conducted for the purpose of determining the key factors which affect the communication occurring in the context of workers’ everyday business communication, especially in the situations which require fluent exchange of information with foreign clients. The analysis is based on the three-part questionnaire distributed among 31 travel-agency employees from the city of Kragujevac area, who manifested different levels of knowledge of English. Data obtained revealed that informants found general understanding of English utterances the most problematic, along with situations where they had to differentiate between formal and informal uses, while reading was regarded as the least important skill. Furthermore, they did not see their using of English as an obstacle to successful communication with clients. Results of this research are used underline both the importance of proper treatment of English at all educational levels (which should be reflected in the design of ESP curricula) and the recognition of the knowledge of English as one of the key skills for a tourist worker.


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How to Cite

Dimitrovski Д., & Karavesović Д. (2013). THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING PROFICIENT IN ENGLISH FOR EMPLOYEES OF TOURIST AGENCIES. Nasleđe, 10(26), 87–98. Retrieved from