
  • Aleksandra Petrović Grammar School "Svetozar Markovic" in Jagodina


society, power, body, identity, control, freedom, fear, love


Within the methodological framework of post-structuralist theory, the paper examines the transmogrified meanings of the female body in the novel 6th Day, by Rastko Petrović. The analysis focuses on the consequences brought on by the body’s compliance (or the lack of it) with respect to centers of power, as well as on the examination of socio-political conditions which, by establishing rigid structures of power, smother the freedom of the subject, producing an impossible identity and an altered, excommunicated body bereft of its own boundaries.


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How to Cite

Petrović А. (2013). MUTABLE, FEMALE, BODY. Nasleđe, 10(25), 137–146. Retrieved from