
  • Biljana Đorić Francuski University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology


John Fowles, Serbo-Croatian territory, translated works, criticism, English literature


This paper analyses the entire reception of works written by John Fowles in the Serbo-Croatian speaking area, from the first mentioning of his oeuvre in our press until the disintegration of the territory of former Yugoslavia. The translations of his opus are also noted in the paper, both those published during the selected period and those that appeared later than 1992. The critical reception of John Fowles, together with the interest of our publishers and reading public in the translation of his works, can be judged as satisfactory both regarding the quality of the critical texts and the duration of his reception, which also continued into the twenty-first century.


Аноним. 1978: A. C., Zbrka u glavama ili oslobođenje od iluzija, Oko, Zagreb, VI, 153, 22.

Видан 1981: I. Vidan, Viktorijansko društvo u postmodernoj optici (Pogovor), u: Fowles, John, Ženska francuskog poručnika, prev.N. Šoljan,Zagreb:Liber, 496-506.

Видан 1981: I. Vidan, Život, priča, apstrakcija, Književna smotra, Zagreb, XIII, 41-42, 138-139.

Влајчић 1981: М. Vlajčić, Rukopis jači od knjige, NIN, Beograd, XXXI, 1597, 40-41.

Влајчић 1982: М. Vlajčić, Viktorijanske slutnje, NIN, Beograd, XXXIII, 1624, 39-40.

Ђуретић 1986: N. Đuretić, Fowlesov Crv sumnje, Književna smotra, Zagreb, XVIII, 63-64, 107-109.

Јовановић 1990: A. V. Jovanović, Faulsov svet slobode, Književna reč, Beograd, XIX, 357, 21.

Јовaнoвић 2007: A. V. Јovanović, Priroda, misterija, mit – romani Džona Faulsa, Beograd: Plato, Filološki fakultet.

Крагујевић 1991: T. Kragujević, Šta će život doneti, Dnevnik, NoviSad, 50, 16181, 20.

Мајдак 1971: М. Z., John Foweles[sic!]: Žena francuskog poručnika, Republika, Zagreb, XXVII, 4, 402.

Ненин 1989: М. Nenin, Prvenac nove biblioteke, Dnevnik, NoviSad, 47, 15248, 19.

Писарев 1989: Đ. Pisarev, (Ne)pouzdani pripovedač, Dnevnik, NoviSad, 47, 15376, 14.

Писарев 1990: Đ. Pisarev, Igra s čitaocem, Letopis Matice srpske, Novi Sad, 166, 445, 2, 328-332.

Попов 1992: Ј. Popov, Najlepši primerak u zbirci, Letopis Matice srpske, NoviSad, 168, 449, 5,884-887.

Топораш Драгић 1988: Đ.Toporaš Dragić, O piscu i delu (Predgovor), u: Fauls, Džon, Kula od abonosa, prev. Đ. Toporaš Dragić, Novi Sad: Književna zajednica Novog Sada,5-10.



How to Cite

Đorić Francuski Б. (2013). RECEPTION OF JOHN FOWLES IN THE FORMER YUGOSLAVIA. Nasleđe, 10(25), 77–90. Retrieved from