
  • Аna Stjelja University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology


Sufi poetry, sufism, love, God, Turkish mystical poetry, Persian mystical poetry


Sufi poetry is a unique kind of poetry. Most of its verses are odes to God, celebrating the unity of God and man. Sufi poetry has its characteristics, especially in the way Sufis express love. Their verses are full of passion, emotions and sensible words, written in the way of prophane love but actually dedicated to God. This is the main difference between eastern and western love poetry. While western poets express their love to a woman, whom they adore, eastern, Sufi poets, express their love to God. The main intention of sufi poet is to love Divine, to burn within love passion and eventually die in it. Sufi poetry could be recognized by its specific simbols and metaphors, such as: face, glance, rose, vine, nightingale and these are commonly used by most sufi poets. Sufi poetry follows the tradition of the literature of oriental world, especially Turkey and Iran.


Азизи 2001: A. K. Azizi, Ризница персијске поезије, Београд.

Бајрактаревић 1979: Ф. Барјактаревић, Преглед историје персијске књижевности, Београд.

Бертелс 1981: Е. Bertels, Белешке о песничкој терминологији персијских суфија, (ур.) Дарко Танасковић и Иван Шоп, Суфизам, Београд, 160-165.

Гиб 1900: Е. Ј. W . Gibb, History of Ottoman poetry, London.

Емре 2010: Ј. Emre, Славуј љубави, Београд.

Сади 2010: Sa’di, Бустан, Београд

Стодарт 2005: W. Stoddart, Суфизам, Сарајево.

Шамић 1990: Ј. Шамић, Мистички ерос, Бања Лука.

Шимел 1981: А. Schimmel, Ружа и славуј, персијска и турска мистичка поезија, (ур.) Дарко Танасковић , Иван Шоп, Суфизам, Београд, 153-159.

Хајам 2010: О. Hajjam, Рубаије Омера Хајјама, Београд.



How to Cite

Stjelja А. (2012). THE ESSENCE OF SUFI POETRY. Nasleđe, 9(21), 209–217. Retrieved from