
  • Danica Jerotijević University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


process of translating, interpretation, psycholinguistic, translatory equivalents, adequate translation


The present paper aims to represent translation not merely as a linguistic, but as psycholinguistic process, as well. The initial hypothesis is that the interpretation of a text or utterance remains essentially subjective, regardless of the translator’s relentless endeavour to preserve objectivity and take various factors into consideration. The theoretical part of the paper presents the most relevant philosophical and psycholinguistic viewpoints on translation process. Subsequently, the original and two translated texts of Orwell’s novel 1984 are provided as an illustration of the paper’s key considerations.


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How to Cite

Jerotijević Д. (2012). TRANSLATION AS A PSYCHOLINGUISTIC PROCESS: EXAMPLE: TRANSLATION OF ORWELL’S NOVEL 1984. Nasleđe, 9(21), 165–181. Retrieved from