
  • Slađana Živković University of Nis, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Nadežda Stojković University of Nis, Faculty of Electronic Engineering


computer, Internet addiction, investigation, questionnaire


This paper is about the role and the importance of computer and the Internet among young population, the purpose of the Internet usage, time spent in cyberspace, and the Internet addiction. The questionnaire has been used for the purpose of investigation, and on the basis of the obtained results, we have come to significant conclusions. The results of investigation have been statistically analyzed and presented in charts. They are followed by discussion on the directions of further research that would include psychology, sociology and sociolinguistics. There is a strong emphasis on the need for multidisciplinary approach to this phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Živković С., & Stojković Н. (2012). CYBERSPACE – ADDICTION OR NOT. Nasleđe, 9(22), 89–100. Retrieved from