
  • Nikola Bubanja University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


erotology, subject, object, avian, phoenix


Within a methodological framework which couples close reading with the considerations of the relevant historical and biographical background, the paper attempts to disinter and analyze erotological meanings of the bird motif in the poetry of John Donne. The analysis shows that the few “erotologically relevant” birds of Donne’s poems 1) symbolically represent and elaborate on the (in some aspects) modern sounding, rough and chauvinistic eros that implies a relationship between a man as the active subject and a female as the passive object, and 2) symbolically represent and elaborate on eros as a neoplatonic union and / or idolatrous love which overlaps with the religious. These heterogeneous symbolic implications of Donne’s avians are then shown to be yoked in the phoenix motif: the phoenix emblem blends the rough libertinism / chauvinism with the concept of neoplatonic, idolatrous love which blurs the difference between erotic and religious. The inevitable (in this case a bit obscene) wit safeguards the latter symbolic meanings of Donne’s phoenix from falling into the trap of mawkish sentimentality.

Author Biography

Nikola Bubanja, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts

Рођен је 1978. године у Крагујевцу. Дипломирао је на Катедри за англистику Филолошког факултета у Београду (студије у Крагујевцу). Магистрирао је и докторирао на Филолошком факултету у Београду. Запослен је као асистент на предметима из енглеске и америчке књижевности на Катедри за англистику Филолошко-уметничког факултета у Крагујевцу. Члан је редакције часописа "Липар“.


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How to Cite

Bubanja Н. (2011). AVIAN SYMBOLISM IN DONNE’S EROTOLOGY: THE PHOENIX. Nasleđe, 8(20), 53–63. Retrieved from