gender theory, woman body, maternity, postmodernism, languageAbstract
Solitario de amor (1998) is a first-person speech of a male subject in love with a mysterious woman named Aida. The text is a kind of confession where disorderly and capricious way the anonymous male voice, communicate their discomfort, frustration, desire, love and obsession with a woman indifferent to him. This verbiage sets the main text barely altered by the participation of Aida, who seems to contradict the wishes or views of his mistress. Aida's speech on the other hand, tends to self-sufficiency making it significantly opposite to the main voice. Through textual analysis of two essentially antagonistic stories -femenino/masculino- we will try to trace the ideological coordinates of this passionate love story, narrated by Peri Rossi in a vigorous and beautiful prose.
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