Argentine Literature, avant-garde, postmodernism, Cortázar, Puig, author, reader, writing processAbstract
In order to define and to articulate two aesthetics which would shape a kind of hinge be-tween the avant-garde and postmodernism in Argentine Literature, this paper works arround Julio Cortázar and Manuel Puig corpuses of textual productions. The issues of author's image, the reader strategic design and then a process of inscribed writings are singled out, from a cultural view, in the social framework of the '60s and '70s in Argentina. It is a question of two paradigmatic productions that assembling different approaches of author, reader and writing configurations make it possible to observe the transformations range and different assessments that can be done from textual analysis, crossing the intellectual field in order to compose a comprehensive social model. According to this line, the paper -with a different theoretically approach- proposes to explore the relationship Literature/Society placing the juncture on developed roles of the subjects involved in the phenomenon and in the mode and means of their literary production and circulation.
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