коментар, уводни, колумна, новинарски облици изражавања, штампаAbstract
The aim of this paper is by analyzing the content and design of commentary in newspapers JAVNOST, GLAS JAVNOSTI and OSLOBOĐENJE, to determine if they satisfy the required form of comment as a form of journalistic expression. It is demonstrated that comments in any of the analyzed papers contain elements of factual forms of journalistic expression as well as the elements of the analytics. Svetozar Markovic made a breakthrough and set the standards in the practice of writing newspaper commentaries of that time. In the socalled editorial, Markovic very skillfully made the connection between the editorial comment - editorial, column (the author's personal view), polemics and analytical comment. The rule of the modern journalism theory is that every comment has to have elements of these subspecies and that writing a comment means public engagement, taking a stand, expressing opinion of an event, and an analytical study. We can conclude, based on analysis of content and form of Markovic's comments, that they meet the required form of this kind of journalistic expression. That is why we can consider Svetozar Markovic as the founder of the rules and the standards of writing comments in the Serbian press.
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