
  • Sanja Pajić University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts


Збирка Есте, Млекопитателница, Галактотрофуса, икона, критска школа


An icon with the representation of Virgin Galaktotrophousa, so far unpublished (tempera on wood, dimensions: 33 x 29 x 3 cm, inventory no. O 11948, former inventory no. DO 857), reached the National Gallery in Prague from the Konopište Castle. It belonged to the former Este collection, whose nucleus originated in the 17th century in the Catajo Castle near Padua, which is evidenced by paper notes on its back side. According to the documentation of the museum, the piece is dated to the 14th century, and this cannot be supported. The icon is undoubtedly the work of a Cretan painter, by both its typology, since it displays all characteristics of the icono-graphic type of Virgin Galaktotrophousa which was practiced in this school, and its stylistic development. The circular segment painted behind the Child's back, unusual and, at a first glance, vague in meaning, is in fact a misinterpreted motif of a portion of the Christ's himation. The artist probably spent a long time and perhaps was educated in Venice, which is evidenced by the infl uence of the Western tradition, and this was especially emphasized on the representation of Virgin. Furthermore, he was very familiar with the art of the famous Creatan painter Nikolaos Tzafouris, whose work could have served as a model for the typology and manner of presenting the fi gures. According to the stylistic characteristics, the icon is a work belonging to the 16th century, possibly from the fi rst half of the century. The dimensions indicate that it was intended for private purposes of the commissioner, more likely of western origin than of Orthodox confession.

Author Biography

Sanja Pajić, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Philology and Arts

Сања Р. Пајић
Рођена 1964. у Крагујевцу. Историчар уметности, доцент на ФИЛУМ-у. Дипломирала на Филозофском факултету у Београду, докторирала на Филозофском факултету у Прагу. Објавила већи број ликовних критика, као и научних радова и учествовала на више националних и међународних конференција.


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How to Cite

Pajić С. (2011). VIRGIN GALAKTOTROPHOUSA - AN ICONOGRAPHIC VARIETY IN CRETAN SCHOOL. Nasleđe, 8(17), 29–37. Retrieved from