
  • Silvija Novak-Bajcar Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute for Slovenian Philology


postmodernism in Serbia, literature, epoch, disruption, languages of the beginning, languages of the ending, poetical and social changes


The article offers an answer to the question regarding the existence of postmoderism in Serbian literature. The primary goal is to identify the influence exerted on the literary processes by the watershed socio-political events, to show their impact on the watershed poetological events and describe the nature of those literary changes. The Serbian experience was different from that of the other countries in the Communist Bloc, not only in the early 1990s, but also earlier, after World War II – during the existence of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. In the case of Serbian literature the specific socio-historical circumstances make it feasible to trace the postmodernist artistic awareness back to indigenous sources.

Author Biography

Silvija Novak-Bajcar, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Institute for Slovenian Philology

Рођена 1971. године у Кракову. Предаје Српску књижевност 20. века и Превод на Јегелонском универзитету у Кракову. Поред низа радова, објавила је две научне књиге: Монолог као стање свести (2001) и Мапе времена. Српска постмодернистичка проза и изазови епохе (2010).


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How to Cite

Novak-Bajcar С. (2010). WHY POSTMODERNISM IN SERBIA IS (STILL) POSSIBLE. Nasleđe, 7(16), 123–131. Retrieved from



Topic: (Post)modernism, Apocalypse and Literature