
  • Ана М. Вујовић University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education


страни језик струке, интеркултуралне компетенције, култура предузећа, научна култура


Getting acquainted with the Language for Specifi c Purposes (LSP) is inseparable part of the cultural dimension. This type of dimension is not much available and not really apparent, particularly when we have foreigners. Bearing in mind that each professional activity is an integral part and the refl ection of culture of the certain country, and that it occurs in strict legal frames, the aim of intercultural competence in the fi elds of a LSP would refer to development of competences of people who watch, notice and analyse all the aspects of behaviour of their interlocutors, and to be aware of all the aspects and to adjust their own behaviour. There should be great help of direct talks – interviews – with those people who do some professional work abroad, so that they can transfer experience and observations and they can help the avoidance of some diffi culties and mistakes. Aims and contents of learning/teaching of LSP can be divided into two groups: the fi rst belongs to the domain of language sciences (lexical, grammatical and logical-discursive) and the second belongs to the domain of humanistic sciences (social-historical, law and intercultural). Cultural occurrences cause the development of scientifi c disciplines, as well as any other way of thinking, and cultural climate of a social and professional surrounding depends on the relation towards learning in all fi elds, including the foreign language. This is why we must carefully train experts for LSP. Particularly, we should focus our attention at the cultural features of the areas in which the native tongue is the one they are learning and will be in professional connections with people from those areas.

Author Biography

Ана М. Вујовић, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Education

Ана Вујовић, ванредни професор за предмет Француски језик, Учитељски факултет, Универзитет у Београду. Шеф катедре за стране језике и задужена за међународну сарадњу на Учитељском факултету. Посебне области интересовања: методика наставе страног језика, елементи стране културе у настави страног језика, страни језик струке. Објавила две монографије и један универзитетски уџбеник, 54 научна и стручна рада, 16 приказа, хроника и превода


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Вујовић 2004: А. Вујовић, Француска цивилизација у уџбеницима француског језика, Библиотека Dissertatio, Београд: Задужбина Андрејевић.



How to Cite

Вујовић, А. М. (2010). INTERCULTURALITY IN TEACHING LANGUAGE FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. Nasleđe, 7(15/1), 207–215. Retrieved from