клавирска музика, клавир, педагог, универзалност, приступ, студент, претходно образовање, индивидуа, уметнички доживљај, тон, клавирска техника, избор програма, економичност, концентрацијаAbstract
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the initial and developmental principles in the teaching of Piano Music course designed for the students who have piano as a subordinate course during their academic studies. Due to complex individual characteristics of students, the established methods of piano teaching are by a rule flexible to some extent. As such, they are defined in the written legacy of great pianists and pedagogues that comprises the students’ developmental cycle from childhood until the completion of studies. Students who either have learnt to play the piano in primary and secondary music school, in secondary school only or had never had piano lessons before they enrolled at faculty attend the course in Piano Music. Therefore, a successful pedagogue should tailor his/her training to the previously acquired knowledge, respecting individuality of each student, thereby eliciting and elaborating pivotal segments in the piano pedagogy and literature that will help students to master the clues and technique of piano playing and revive the love for music during their fouryear education. The suggestions and hints that are included in this paper are based on the previous experience. Their efficiency and compactness are meant to define the main guidelines in achievement the proposed goals.
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