контемплација, естетички метод, παιδεία, филозофија образовања, праксаAbstract
During the history of philosophy, esspecially in the ancient philosophy, contemplative power of the spirit is esential moment for turning a spirit from sense, but at the same time it is an essential element in the process of knowledgment. Similary statement we can find by Angelo Carnafa and in the Plato`s theory of paideia. But we can truly talk about the philosophy of education as discipline of philosophy not until the contemporary world. Among the actualy philosophical guestions we can notice that Karl Jaspers demands the philosophical impulse of inquiry in every kind of science, education and culture, and idea of wholeness in every knowledge, too.
This new discipline should starts form inqury a practice in school, leraning and education system, which purpose is in the reformation of educational system in whole. Philosophy of education can achieve that aim, only if we overcome concept that she represents theory without practice.
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