радио драма, документарна драма, фолклор, нарација, архетипски мотивиAbstract
By analyzing specific radio drama genre characteristics the author indicates a close interrelation between this acoustically linguistic kind of art and oral performance (narrating a fairy tale, performing epic poems and alike). The models of folklore heritage transposition into the structure of The Ninth Stone by Dobrica Erić and documentary style drama (dramadocumentary/docu-drama) I thought the hills were coming down by Nada Bjelogrlić and Zvonimir Kostić are hereby examined. Folklore transposition is not about recognizing archetypal images or folklore images in the text, yet implies a broader situational perspective of oral narration whereby a text represents only one of its constituent elements. Two of the narrative patterns are hereby to be regarded – the simulation of folklore performance (in Erić’s drama) and the controlled improvisation of artistically directing the real (in the foregoing drama-documentary) suggest huge structural and aesthetic potential of these archetypal narrative models. The concluding section
of the paper offers a possibility of taking a somewhat different perspective while observing and analyzing contact shows which, following the author’s estimate, signify a comeback to the interactive improvising pattern of oral culture.
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