Кључне речи:
појмовна метафора, спортски дискурс, појмовна метонимија, насловиСажетак
Вишеслојност значења наслова у спортској штампи у раду ћемо покушати да објаснимо кроз њихов метонимијски и метафорички карактер. Процесе метонимизације и метафоризације илустроваћемо примерима наслова и указаћемо на могуће мотиве метафоричког изражавања спортских новинара. Бавићемо се само једним аспектом метафоричности наслова на српском језику – метафоричности заснованој на метонимији која проистиче из карактеристичне комуникативне ситуације у којој долази до креирања спортског дискурса – концептуализацијом победе и пораза на спортским теренима.
Herbeck, Dale, “Three Strikes and you’re Out: The role of Sports Metaphors in Political Discourse”, Baseball and American Culture, rutkoff, P. M. (ed.), Jefferson, NC: Mc farland, 2000, 133-146.
Howe, Nicholas, “Metaphor in Contemporary American Political Discourse”, Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 3(2), 1988, 87-104.
Ifantidou, Elly, “Newspaper headlines and relevance: Ad hoc concepts in ad hoc contexts”, Journal of Pragmatics (2008), doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2008.10.016 (у штампи).
Jansen, Sue, Sabo, Don, “The sportwar metaphor: hegemonic masculinity, the
PersianGulf war, and the new world order”, Sociology of Sport Journal 11 (1), 1994, 117.
Koller, Veronika, Metaphor Clusters In Business Media Discourse: A Social
Cognition Approach, Ph.D. thesis, преузето са сајта http://www.wuwien.ac.at/inst/english/koller_diss.pdf, 2003.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Metaphor. A Practical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Metaphor in Culture. Universality and Variation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Gunther radden, “Metonymy: developing a cognitive linguistic view”, Cognitive Linguistics 9/1, 1998, 37-77.
Lakoff, George, Women, fire and dangerous things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind, The University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Lakoff, George, “Metaphor and war: The Metaphor System Used to Justify war in the Gulf ”, преузето са сајта http://www.arieverhagen.nl/11sept01/lakoff_1991.html, 1991.
Lakoff, George, Mark Johnson, Metaphors we live by, University of Chicago, 1980.
Liu, Dilin, Metaphor, Culture, and Worldview: The Case of American English and the Chinese Language, University Press of America, 2002.
Radden, Gunther, “How metonymic are metaphors?”, in: Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads, A. Barcelona (ed.), Mouton de Gruyter, 2000, 93–105.
Radden, Gunther, Zoltan Kövecses, “Towards a theory of metonymy”, in: KlausUwe Panther and Günter radden, (eds.), Metonymy in Language and Thought, Benjamins, 1999, 17-59.
Радић-Бојанић, Биљана, Надежда Силашки, „Политичко дриблање у казненом простору – спортске метафоре у политичком дискурсу Србије”, излагање на међународном научном скупу „Српски језик, књижевност, уметност”, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, Крагујевац, 31. 10. и 1. 11. 2008. године.
Радичевић, Mилан, „Од пекара до аласа“, преузето са сајта http://www.sport.novosti.rs/sadrzaj.php?kat=1&pkat=57&id_vest=8129, 2006.
Russo, Pippo, “Berlusconi and Other Matters: the era of Football-Politics”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 January 2001.
Segrave, Jeffrey, “The sports metaphor in American cultural discourse”, Sport in Society, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2000, 48–60.
Semino, Elena, Michela Masci, “Politics is football: Metaphor in the Discourse of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy”, Discourse and Society, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996, 243-269.
Semino, Elena, Metaphor in Discourse, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Силашки, Надежда, “Headlines and slogans in British women’s magazines – the role of figurative language in the persuasive genre”, излагање на 9th International Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Pécs, January 22-24, 2009.
Yu, Ning, The contemporary theory of metaphor: A perspective from Chinese,
Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.
Howe, Nicholas, “Metaphor in Contemporary American Political Discourse”, Metaphor and Symbolic Activity, 3(2), 1988, 87-104.
Ifantidou, Elly, “Newspaper headlines and relevance: Ad hoc concepts in ad hoc contexts”, Journal of Pragmatics (2008), doi:10.1016/j.pragma.2008.10.016 (у штампи).
Jansen, Sue, Sabo, Don, “The sportwar metaphor: hegemonic masculinity, the
PersianGulf war, and the new world order”, Sociology of Sport Journal 11 (1), 1994, 117.
Koller, Veronika, Metaphor Clusters In Business Media Discourse: A Social
Cognition Approach, Ph.D. thesis, преузето са сајта http://www.wuwien.ac.at/inst/english/koller_diss.pdf, 2003.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Metaphor. A Practical Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Metaphor in Culture. Universality and Variation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Kövecses, Zoltan, Gunther radden, “Metonymy: developing a cognitive linguistic view”, Cognitive Linguistics 9/1, 1998, 37-77.
Lakoff, George, Women, fire and dangerous things: What Categories Reveal About the Mind, The University of Chicago Press, 1987.
Lakoff, George, “Metaphor and war: The Metaphor System Used to Justify war in the Gulf ”, преузето са сајта http://www.arieverhagen.nl/11sept01/lakoff_1991.html, 1991.
Lakoff, George, Mark Johnson, Metaphors we live by, University of Chicago, 1980.
Liu, Dilin, Metaphor, Culture, and Worldview: The Case of American English and the Chinese Language, University Press of America, 2002.
Radden, Gunther, “How metonymic are metaphors?”, in: Metaphor and Metonymy at the Crossroads, A. Barcelona (ed.), Mouton de Gruyter, 2000, 93–105.
Radden, Gunther, Zoltan Kövecses, “Towards a theory of metonymy”, in: KlausUwe Panther and Günter radden, (eds.), Metonymy in Language and Thought, Benjamins, 1999, 17-59.
Радић-Бојанић, Биљана, Надежда Силашки, „Политичко дриблање у казненом простору – спортске метафоре у политичком дискурсу Србије”, излагање на међународном научном скупу „Српски језик, књижевност, уметност”, Филолошко-уметнички факултет, Крагујевац, 31. 10. и 1. 11. 2008. године.
Радичевић, Mилан, „Од пекара до аласа“, преузето са сајта http://www.sport.novosti.rs/sadrzaj.php?kat=1&pkat=57&id_vest=8129, 2006.
Russo, Pippo, “Berlusconi and Other Matters: the era of Football-Politics”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 January 2001.
Segrave, Jeffrey, “The sports metaphor in American cultural discourse”, Sport in Society, Volume 3, Issue 1, 2000, 48–60.
Semino, Elena, Michela Masci, “Politics is football: Metaphor in the Discourse of Silvio Berlusconi in Italy”, Discourse and Society, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1996, 243-269.
Semino, Elena, Metaphor in Discourse, Cambridge University Press, 2008.
Силашки, Надежда, “Headlines and slogans in British women’s magazines – the role of figurative language in the persuasive genre”, излагање на 9th International Conference of the Hungarian Society for the Study of English, Pécs, January 22-24, 2009.
Yu, Ning, The contemporary theory of metaphor: A perspective from Chinese,
Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1998.
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