Кључне речи:
metaphor, tragedy, mask, Dionysus, dismemberment, rebirth, the unconsciousСажетак
У овом раду се разматра пресудни утицај који је Фридрих Ниче имао на најзначајнијег америчког драмског писца Јуџина О’Нила. Од када је у младости прочитао Ничеовог Заратустру и Рођење трагедије, О’Нил је константно био заокупљен Ничеовим идејама што се огледа у већини његових драма. Овај рад се осврће на Ничеов утицај на О’Нилово поимање трагедије у драмама Космати мајмун и Велики бог Браун.
C. W. E.Bigsby, A Critical Introduction to Twentieth Century American Drama, Volume One 1900-1940, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996.
Stephen A. Black, Eugene O’Neill, Beyond Mourning and Tragedy, Yale University press, new Haven and London, 1999.
Leonard Chabrowe, Ritual and Pathos, The Theater of O’Neill, Associated University Presses, London and New Jersey, 1976.
Terry Eagleton, Sweet Violence, The Idea of the Tragic, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
Sigmund Freud, Civlization and its Discontents, W. W. Norton, New York, London.
C. G. Jung, “Psychology of the Unconscious”, in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works of C.G.Jung, Vol.9, Bollingen Series XX, Princeton.
Eugene O’Neill, The Hairy Ape and The Great God Brown, in: Nine Plays by Eugene O’Neill, Random House, New York, selected by the author, Random House, New York.
Rush Rehm, Radical Theatre: Greek Tragedy and the Modern World, Duckworth, London, 2003.
James A. Robinson, “The Middle Plays”, in The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O’Neill, edited by Michael Manheim, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Edward Shaughnessy, “Mask in the Dramaturgy of Yeats and O’Neill”, Irish University Review, University College, Dublin, 1984
William Storm, After Dionysus, A Theory of the Tragic, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1998.
Egil Tornquist, ‘O’Neill’s philosophical and literary paragons’, The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O’Neill, edited by Michael Manheim, Cambridge, Cambridge University press, 1998, 18-32.
Stephen A. Black, Eugene O’Neill, Beyond Mourning and Tragedy, Yale University press, new Haven and London, 1999.
Leonard Chabrowe, Ritual and Pathos, The Theater of O’Neill, Associated University Presses, London and New Jersey, 1976.
Terry Eagleton, Sweet Violence, The Idea of the Tragic, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 2003.
Sigmund Freud, Civlization and its Discontents, W. W. Norton, New York, London.
C. G. Jung, “Psychology of the Unconscious”, in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works of C.G.Jung, Vol.9, Bollingen Series XX, Princeton.
Eugene O’Neill, The Hairy Ape and The Great God Brown, in: Nine Plays by Eugene O’Neill, Random House, New York, selected by the author, Random House, New York.
Rush Rehm, Radical Theatre: Greek Tragedy and the Modern World, Duckworth, London, 2003.
James A. Robinson, “The Middle Plays”, in The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O’Neill, edited by Michael Manheim, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1998.
Edward Shaughnessy, “Mask in the Dramaturgy of Yeats and O’Neill”, Irish University Review, University College, Dublin, 1984
William Storm, After Dionysus, A Theory of the Tragic, Cornell University Press, Ithaca and London, 1998.
Egil Tornquist, ‘O’Neill’s philosophical and literary paragons’, The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O’Neill, edited by Michael Manheim, Cambridge, Cambridge University press, 1998, 18-32.
Како цитирати
Настић, Р. (2018). ФРИДРИХ НИЧЕ И ЈУЏИН О’НИЛ. Наслеђе, 5(10), 115–122. преузето од
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