Кључне речи:
лудило, наратор, жуте тапете, нервна поремећеност, неурастанијаСажетак
Рад се бави проблемом лудила наратора и покушава да одговор на питање какво је то лудило које јача креативност и слободу писања. Такође покушава да докаже да стања менталне поремећености, хистерије, параноје побољшавају креативност и једини су начин битисања наратора. Лудило представља отпор друштвеним конвенцијама, читавој медицинској пракси 18. и 19. века. Поремећеност изазива не само неиспуњавање друштвених норми већ и опседнутост ужасним жутим тапетама на које се пројектују сви стресови и узнемиреност. Наратор ствара лудило и лудило ствара њега.
Bak, John S. “Escaping the Jaundiced Eye: Foucauldian Panopticism in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 31.1 (Winter 1994): 39-46.
Crewe, Jonathan. “Queering ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’? Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Politics of Form.” Tulsa Studies in Women’ s Literature 14 (Fall 1995): 273-293.
Ford, Karen (1985). "The Yellow Wallpaper and Women’ s Discourse," Tulsa Studies in Women’ s Literature, volume 4, issue 2.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1892). The Yellow Wallpaper, this edition Dover Publications, 1997.
Golden, Catherine. “The Writing of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ A Double Palimpsest.” Studies in American Fiction 17 (Autumn 1989): 193-201.
Haney-Peritz, Janice. “Monumental Feminism and Literature’ s Ancestral House: Another Look at ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Women’ s Studies 12 (1986): 113-128
Hochman, Barbara (2002). The Reading Habit and "The Yellow Wallpaper". Duke University Press.
Hume, Beverly A. “Gilman’ s ‘Interminable Grotesque’: The Narrator of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 28 (Fall 1991): 477-484.
Johnson, Greg. “Gilman’ s Gothic Allegory: Rage and Redemption in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 26 (Fall 1989): 521-530.
King, Jeannette, and Pam Morris. “On Not Reading Between the Lines: Models of Reading in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 26.1 (Winter 1989): 23-32.
Knight, Denise D. “The Reincarnation of Jane: ‘Through This’ - Gilman’ s Companion to ‘The Yellow Wall-paper.’” Women’ s Studies 20 (1992): 287-302.
Lanser, Susan S. “Feminist Criticism, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper,’ and the Politics of Color in America.” Feminist Studies 15 (Fall 1989): 415-437.
Ryan, Alan (1988). Haunting Women: Chilling Stories of Horror by Fourteen Acclaimed Women Writers. Avon Books.
Thomas, Deborah (1997). The changing role of womanhood: from true woman to new woman in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’.
Thrailkill, Jane F. (2002). “Doctoring ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’,” ELH, volume 69, issue 2.
Crewe, Jonathan. “Queering ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’? Charlotte Perkins Gilman and the Politics of Form.” Tulsa Studies in Women’ s Literature 14 (Fall 1995): 273-293.
Ford, Karen (1985). "The Yellow Wallpaper and Women’ s Discourse," Tulsa Studies in Women’ s Literature, volume 4, issue 2.
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1892). The Yellow Wallpaper, this edition Dover Publications, 1997.
Golden, Catherine. “The Writing of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ A Double Palimpsest.” Studies in American Fiction 17 (Autumn 1989): 193-201.
Haney-Peritz, Janice. “Monumental Feminism and Literature’ s Ancestral House: Another Look at ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Women’ s Studies 12 (1986): 113-128
Hochman, Barbara (2002). The Reading Habit and "The Yellow Wallpaper". Duke University Press.
Hume, Beverly A. “Gilman’ s ‘Interminable Grotesque’: The Narrator of ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 28 (Fall 1991): 477-484.
Johnson, Greg. “Gilman’ s Gothic Allegory: Rage and Redemption in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 26 (Fall 1989): 521-530.
King, Jeannette, and Pam Morris. “On Not Reading Between the Lines: Models of Reading in ‘The Yellow Wallpaper.’” Studies in Short Fiction 26.1 (Winter 1989): 23-32.
Knight, Denise D. “The Reincarnation of Jane: ‘Through This’ - Gilman’ s Companion to ‘The Yellow Wall-paper.’” Women’ s Studies 20 (1992): 287-302.
Lanser, Susan S. “Feminist Criticism, ‘The Yellow Wallpaper,’ and the Politics of Color in America.” Feminist Studies 15 (Fall 1989): 415-437.
Ryan, Alan (1988). Haunting Women: Chilling Stories of Horror by Fourteen Acclaimed Women Writers. Avon Books.
Thomas, Deborah (1997). The changing role of womanhood: from true woman to new woman in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’ s ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’.
Thrailkill, Jane F. (2002). “Doctoring ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’,” ELH, volume 69, issue 2.
Како цитирати
Ковачевић, Д., & Ковачевић, Д. (2009). ЛУДИЛО НАРАТОРА У КРАТКОЈ ПРИЧИ ЖУТЕ ТАПЕТЕ ШАРЛОТЕ ПЕРКИНС ГИЛМАН. Наслеђе, 6(14/2), 305–313. преузето од
Bрој часописа